Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Creativity Crisis ... Explored

Stay tuned in the coming days for my new online radio show, Creativity in Play, co-hosted with play expert Mary Alice Long and produced in partnership with the National Creativity Network. First guest on deck ... Po Bronson, co-author of the Newsweek article, "The Creativity Crisis."
UPDATE: Po Bronson has cancelled. Sir Ken Robinson will be the first guest on September 23, 2010, at noon Eastern.


  1. I hope you will explore the flaws and partial references to research in their main article and the incorrectness of the FORGET BRAINSTORMING article.

    Many of us who studied with Torrance and/or have been involved with creativity development have found the main article highly missing leading and extremely overstated and lacking in much more valid researchers to interview.


  2. Steve where can I find more information about the NATIONAL CREATIVITY NETWORK?

    A Google.com search did not find a website and I am not famiilar with the organization and want to definitely know more about it.

  3. Hi Alan - The National Creativity Network is something that will be launched at the World Creativity Forum in November. It's just been created, and I don't think there is much out there yet. But watch for it in the coming months ....

  4. Hi Alan - Though I realize there is much debate being generated from the article, the emphasis in this first half-hour interview is on the idea of "the creativity crisis" and the important role of creativity in education and society as a frame for the radio show, the World Creativity Forum and the National Creativity Network. Our aim is not to debate the finer points of the article here, but to build on the important recognition of Torrance's work and its relevance for society today in the broader creativity field. In the spirit of Appreciative Inquiry, we are focusing on what works and what's good to advance the cause of creativity, while recognizing there are other aspects to debate or improve. Thanks for continuing this important conversation and raising worthwhile dialogue -- all of which is well overdue in this country.
