Saturday, December 10, 2005

Scientists debate culture's role in creativity

[9 December 2005 - The Daily Yomiuri - Japan] In trying to imagine how the 21st century will evolve and how the problems that will arise can be overcome, it is perhaps best to listen to the wisdom and experience of experts from various fields. This was the subject of the 17th annual forum 'Creativity in the 21st Century with Nobel Laureates,' which brought together six laureates in science. The series was jointly organized by The Yomiuri Shimbun and NHK. The forum series began in Kanazawa on Nov. 8 with a session on science and was followed by further science sessions in Tokyo on Nov. 17 and Kyoto on Nov. 26. More


  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I´m sure that 21 century will be the most creative for the Humanity. A lot of social and political problems challenges are waiting for urgent solutions. The situation will force our imaginative mind in rethinking our future. One of the best examples of creativity is the Creative Education Foundation - a fantastic and innovative center that can help us to understand our own mind habilities and expand the criative potential of each one of us! Thank you very much!
    Nelson Lima, Ph.D.
    Ceo, Instituto da Inteligencia (Portugal)

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Sorry, the correct web page of Instituto da Inteligencia (Portugal) is
