Monday, July 18, 2005

Schools, students losing their creativity (Opinion)

[17 July 2005 - The Herald-Mail ONLINE] America is in the midst of a drought of epic proportions. Across the country, well-springs are drying up. The harvest that every American contributes to - one initially of growth and stability - is simply dying out. And yet, you cannot see this drought. ... So, with creativity dwindling in America's high schools, one would think that President Bush would be putting forth more programs to inspire the next generation of artists, musicians and writers, as well as well-rounded individuals. However, in his budget for 2006, President Bush proposed several severe cuts in education funding, specifically for art programs. In all, the president would eliminate 48 education programs. The president plans to terminate programs such as the National Writing Project and Arts in Education. More


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Even with limited programs in schools to inspire creativity, students, especially the naturally artistic ones will find ways of their own of expressing themselves.

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    the most important issue here is the way students are being taught. i'm sure all of you can remember studying the material and memorizing seemingly pointless information..only to get through the course and forget it. there's no creativity in the public education system, and as a result americans are losing their creative edge as well as the ability to think for themselves.
