Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Lessons on Innovation From Microsoft

[December 2004 - Fast Company] There are plenty of internal reasons why Microsoft's record of innovation is so lackluster. Not to mince words, Bill Gates's researchers have placed a bunch of expensive bets on technologies that haven't panned out. But the company's failure also points to three much bigger lessons about innovation. More

Friday, December 10, 2004

Brattleboro Reformer - Headlines

[10 December 2004 - Brattleboro Reformer] The key to understanding how Vermont can compete and grow in a global marketplace might be found in the storefronts, galleries and people of downtown. And more than 75 people from around the state came to Bellows Falls on Thursday to get a first-hand look. More

Thursday, December 09, 2004

First Creative Economy Conference Reaches Out to Regional Creative Community

[8 December 2004 - Innovation Philadelphia] "The creative economy is based on ideas that are generated by human capital," said Richard A. Bendis, president and CEO of Innovation Philadelphia before a room of 300 attendees at its first Creative Economy Conference in December. "The creative economy generates $44 billion in revenue a year .... This is an important sector of the Greater Philadelphia Region that needs to be cultivated." ... Carol Coletta, president of Coletta and Company, gave a comprehensive overview of the findings of the Innovation Philadelphia-commissioned report, "Young and the Restless: How Philadelphia Competes for Talent." She described how the young and the restless - those in the 25 to 34 age category with four-year degrees - are an HR director’s dream. "They are adaptable, flexible, productive and reasonably paid." But she tempered this with the warning, "they are also the most mobile - and tend to move the furthest." More

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Creativity After the Election

[December 2004 - Applied Imagination E-news - Creative Education Foundation] The United States campaign season and election that ended last month did not end the division of thought and ideas that exists in this country. There are roughly 60 million people on each side -- many of whom say about the other 60 million people -- "I don't understand how 'those people' think, feel, vote, act and believe how they do." Many of you in the creativity world have expressed a desire to see more of a direct impact from applied imagination effecting a new kind of politics, community and policy. There are several ways to begin translating your hopes for creativity to transform the world:
  1. Plan now to participate in CPSI 2005 where you will find a featured, in-depth Immersion program on creative communities and cities, as well as a keynote and Extending breakout sessions. This theme will include topics such as creative class, creative communities, creative peace, imagination and politics, etc.

  2. Tell us what you are doing with creativity to transform your community. Share how you promote creative communities where you live. Respond to this story in our Applied Imagination blog by clicking "Post a Comment" below.

  3. Read the Memphis Manifesto and then work locally to get it adopted in your own city.

  4. Check out the Creative America initiative -- whose goal is to inspire and train creative professionals to run for local office in 2006 and beyond. "We want creative professionals to stand up for creativity as a national value and priority."

  5. Create a CEF Affiliate in your community to build a local network of people to help you accomplish these mutual goals of promoting the value of creativity and applied imagination.

What are you doing with creativity to transform your community? Click "Post a Comment" below and tell us about!

The 6 Myths Of Creativity

[December 2004 - Fast Company] Where do breakthrough ideas come from? What kind of work environment allows them to flourish? What can leaders do to sustain the stimulants to creativity -- and break through the barriers? Teresa Amabile has been grappling with those questions for nearly 30 years. Amabile, who heads the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School and is the only tenured professor at a top B-school to devote her entire research program to the study of creativity, is one of the country's foremost explorers of business innovation. [Editor's Note: Amabile is a also a member of the Creative Education Foundation's Journal of Creative Behavior editorial board.] Eight years ago, Amabile took her research to a daring new level. Working with a team of PhDs, graduate students, and managers from various companies, she collected nearly 12,000 daily journal entries from 238 people working on creative projects in seven companies in the consumer products, high-tech, and chemical industries. She didn't tell the study participants that she was focusing on creativity. She simply asked them, in a daily email, about their work and their work environment as they experienced it that day. She then coded the emails for creativity by looking for moments when people struggled with a problem or came up with a new idea. "The diary study was designed to look at creativity in the wild," she says. "We wanted to crawl inside people's heads and understand the features of their work environment as well as the experiences and thought processes that lead to creative breakthroughs." Amabile and her team are still combing through the results. But this groundbreaking study is already overturning some long-held beliefs about innovation in the workplace. In an interview with Fast Company , she busted six cherished myths about creativity. (If you want to quash creativity in your organization, just continue to embrace them.) Here they are, in her own words. More

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Scientists track footprints of thoughts

[29 November 2004 - ABC News Online] Australian scientists have discovered a way to track the electronic footpath of a single thought travelling through the human brain. The discovery has implications for everything from education to planning the safest way to undertake brain surgery. The latest developments in scanning techniques allow brain experts to track responses in the brain from particular movements and thoughts, in real time. "If we ask them to read a sentence we can actually look at them processing a single sentence. In other words we can look at the footprint of a single thought," Professor Keith Thulborn, from Chicago's Centre for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, said. More

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Suits can profit from a spell in the sandpit

[17 November 2004 - The Australian] CREATIVITY and innovation in business are no longer the sole domain of the pony-tailed staff in the ideas tank. Corporate executives playing in sandpits, acting in theatre pieces and brainstorming radical ideas are moving in as businesses see the benefits of bending rigid rules to let in inventive thinking. Open-plan offices and the suit-free Friday are just two of many relaxations taken on by the corporate world under the weight of the popularity of masters programs promoting creativity and innovation, according to one management academic. Director of the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship at Swinburne University of Technology, Adolph Hanich, says he encourages his charges to avoid the stifling nature of the corporate credos of productivity and efficiency. More

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Creativity Central cNews Mention of Creative Education Foundation

Thanks to fellow e-newsletter, Creativity Central cNews, for the mention this month ...

[November 2004 - Creativity Central cNews] From Steve Dahlberg, General Manager, Creative Education Foundation "Imagination and ideas are the social capital that grows economies, integrates differences and changes individuals ... ideas can transform the world. There is a global urgency for deliberate creativity -- whether it's the 9/11 Commission citing the intelligence community's 'faliure of imagination,' the head of GE calling for innovation to enable continual corporate growth, a political pundit pointing out the 'war of ideas' between differing groups or an urban planner advocating for creative communities." More

Creating a Global Society: Separation Without Separateness

[November 2004 - Center for Creative Leadership e-Newsletter] In an increasingly interdependent world, hierarchical authority is proving fundamentally inadequate for getting things done – and that has major implications for our understanding of leadership, according to Peter Senge, a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and renowned expert on organizational change. More

Nominations Wanted for the Center for Creative Leadership 2004 Walt Ulmer Applied Research Award

[Center for Creative Leadership] Established in honor of Walter F. Ulmer, Jr., retired CCL President and Chief Executive Officer, this award recognizes outstanding, career-long contributions to applied leadership research. The Center for Creative Leadership is currently looking for external candidates for the 2004 award. All submissions are due by Dec. 1, 2004. More

Monday, November 01, 2004

Full-time kindergartens see less play, more work

[31 October 2004 - Detroit News] The school's curriculum - called "integrated" because it allows children to explore knowledge in various subjects in connection to their environments - stresses early reading and math skills to prepare them for the rigors of first grade. A key goal is for as many children as possible to leave kindergarten with basic reading skills. "It's no longer playing and just socialization," Benezra said. "Everything has an academic bent. The tooth chart isn't really to track lost teeth - it's to help them count." Kindergarten, which is German for "children's garden," is serious stuff these days. With half-day programs giving way to full days in state after state, the curriculum once saved for first grade has been pushed down to 5- and 6-year-olds. Nearly 98 percent of youngsters in the United States attend kindergarten, 60 percent of them in full-day programs, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. More

The Innovation Economy

[11 October 2004 - BusinessWeek] We've walked on the moon, built the Net, and decoded the genome. Have we run out of worlds to conquer? No. As a matter of fact, we're on the cusp of a fresh innovation boom. More

A Milestone for BusinessWeek
Since 1929, we've been chronicling innovations and the people who make them. Here are some of the best from the past 75 years. More

The business of creativity

[31 October 2004 - Boston Globe] What thriving industry employs more workers than the computer software sector or communication services, and twice as many as the health care technology cluster? The answer: the "creative economy." In hopes of promoting the North Shore as an enclave for arts and culture businesses, the Enterprise Center at Salem State College this month launched a creative economy incubator. Today, half of the 28 businesses housed at the center are members of the creative industry. The start-ups range from a marketing and advertising company to a drama coach and a handbag designer. More

Artists reach troubled kids via creativity

[31 October 2004 - Grand Rapids Press] Last May, when Marty Arnold asked local artists to conduct classes for residents of St. John's Home in Grand Rapids, she didn't expect the response she got. Arnold, a development associate at this residential treatment center for abused and neglected kids, knew there would be some interest, but the level of enthusiasm surprised her. By the end of summer, 11 artists in St. John's Home's Visiting Artists Program had led regular 90-minute sessions with 30 children ages 7-17, often donating the supplies as well as their time to the cause. More

Friday, October 22, 2004

Don't Let 'Creativity Crisis' Drain U.S. Work Force

[20 October 2004 - eWeek] Outsourcing and immigration are two hot-button political issues that divide the tech community, making it difficult for the industry as a whole to find common approaches to the economic changes that everyone, more or less, agrees are inevitable. It's not just tech folks who are at a loss over what to do, however. Taking their cues from the traditional divide between labor and management, politicians have come up with ham-handed solutions. ... A clearer path between these issues—one that treats them as symptoms of a larger problem, not as isolated trends—is starting to emerge. Anyone who is interested in the intersection between economic growth, politics and policy in the coming century should read "America's Looming Creativity Crisis" by Richard Florida in this month's Harvard Business Review. More

Monday, October 18, 2004

Notes from Bushnell 2004 Education-Creativity Conference: Elliot Eisner and Robert Sternberg

[11 October 2004 - 2004 Education-Creativity Conference - The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts - Hartford, Connecticut]
Steve Dahlberg, Creative Education Foundation

"The Nature of Creativity"
featuring presentations by:
Dr. Elliot Eisner, Stanford University: "Creativity and the Culture of Education"
Dr. Robert Sternberg, Yale University: "Creativity is a Decision"
discussions facilitated by
Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli, University of Connecticut


Renzulli: It's a "very important time in our nation's history as it comes to promoting creativity and the arts."


Elliot Eisner:

* author of "The Educational Imagination: On the Design and Evaluation of School Programs"
* development of creative thinking skills has not been high on our agenda
* conditions for development of creativity
- schools --> 53 million students in the U.S.
- creativity has been side-lined in our pursuit of higher test scores
* creative thinking comes in different forms
- boundary pushing; expanding the limits
- inventing
- boundary-breaking; problemitizing -- the given is made problematic
- aesthetic organizing -- putting things together that work -- somatic knowledge
* "inquiry trumps achievement ... in our schools, typically, achievement trumps inquiry"
* skills provide power; but need to also lose control
- losing control opens up yourself to possibility
- allows yourself to be in dialogue with what you are working on
- "flexible purposing" - John Dewey
* surprise is interesting and important
- "there is no educational policy that I'm aware of that is interested in promoting surprise"
* too many classrooms that look more like an assembly line than a studio
* creativity as exploring other ways of seeing
- "the world is what we make of it"
- move away from "one right answer"
- the whole enterprise is geared toward isomorphic relationship ...
* state standards are about production of uniform outcomes (often out of any context)
* creativity is a process without moral valence
- people can be creative in doing evil
- the direction in which creativity moves is not a trivial issue
* working creativity requires courage
- risk-taking
- moving toward "A" precludes inquiry, risk-taking
* the importance of pursuing surprise
- create the conditions under which surprise is possible
- open-ended outcomes
* the well-posed question is important for intellectual development -- "telling questions"
* "what we need to be doing is not 'covering the material,' but 'uncovering the material'"
- the importance of questions
* creating a culture of education that creates conditions for imagination
- culture: in biology, culture as medium for growing things; in education, culture for growing minds; in anthropology, culture as means for creating connections between people and creating meaning
* creativity in a deep sense is part of an artistic activity -- making something -- has aesthetic properties
- therefore, long-term function of education is the production of artists = people who make anything (not just painters, etc)
- the artistry is in the application of imagination
* creativity is part of the artistry of human existence
- this ideal as a regulative ideal in schools and education is not a bad ideal to embrace
* will Americans accept a culture where improv, creativity and imagination are embraced?
* you can't fatten cattle by putting them on a scale ... you fatten them by feeding them.


Robert Sternberg:

* "creativity is a decision" versus an ability that you are born with
* what are the component decisions that you make?
- why doesn't everyone make the decision to be creative?
* investment theory of creativity
* creative people defy the crowd
- external pressure to do what everyone else is doing
- internal pressure
- both work toward conformity and against being creative
* assessing creativity
- when you add creativity measures to conventional measures --> more predictive
- gives ALL students opportunity to demonstrate what they know
- creativity matters for success for school: achievement goes up if you teach in ways that enable them to display their creativity
* "creativity can be developed"
- therefore, teach kids to make certain decisions
- creativity is an attitude toward life
* Csikszentmihalyi: really good artists are better problem finders
* an attitude that there may be another way to define a problem
* analyze the problem: explore best possible outcomes? worst possible outcomes? most likely outcomes?
* sell creative solutions: creative ideas rarely sell themselves
- this is a decision, too
* realizing limitations of knowledge
- need knowledge to be creative
- knowledge also has its limitations to seeing newness
- we all get stuck
- if we want to be good role models, we should learn from the people we teach
* if you defy the crowd, you have to surmount obstacles
- there is a cost
* see Pushcart's Complete Rotten Reviews & Rejections book
* need to be willing to take sensible risks
- safe stuff doesn't tend to be creative; it tends to get you A's
* find something you really love to do
- it's really hard to find what you -- or your kids -- love to do
- don't quit trying to find what they -- and you -- love to do
- this is where they can make a contribution
* have more than one major creative idea
- an attitude to constantly come up with creative ideas
- people pigeon-hole you then you pigeon-hole yourself
* creativity as a way of life
* having the courage to be creative; creativity is an act of courage
- it's really hard work; it's a decision; it's an attitude


* technology is good when it's in the service of ideas
- can be amplifier or suppressor of ideas
* wisdom - intelligence - creativity - synthesized


* function of education is to create minds
* effective education increases differences
* effective education creates a culture that is intellectually evocative


* teaching for creativity improves both creative thinking and traditional measures of academic achievement
- leads to better test scores and being happier about what they are doing and learning


* "enrichment clusters" as model
- role of just-in-time knowledge
- standards may come at the end of the learning endeavor


Research Effort Studies How Arts Affect Learning: Dana Arts and Cognition Consortium Founded; Dartmouth College Coordinates $1,850,000 Grant

[26 July 2004 - Dana Foundation] The Board of Directors of the Dana Foundation announced today a $1,850,000 grant over three years to Dartmouth College as part of the newly created Dana Arts and Cognition Consortium, to study the affect of the arts on learning. Michael Gazzaniga, the David T. McLaughlin Distinguished University Professor, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, as well as a member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, will serve as director of the Consortium and has brought together six institutions and nine principal investigators to shape the research. "This is an innovative line of research," said Gazzaniga. "It is the first extensive scientific attempt to provide a comprehensive picture of the role of arts education in changing the brain. Up till now there have always been good correlations between children who take part in the arts and their academic performance. Now we hope to see if the relationship is causal. If it is, there will be a strong case for reintroducing the performing arts back into our schools. We shall see where these new studies take us." More

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

IdeaFisher Systems releases their eXpert Comedy Writer package

[13 October 2004 - PRWEB] IdeaFisher Systems today releases their eXpert Comedy Writer's package. Combining the patented 65,000 word IdeaFisher 6.1 Word Association and Creativity Engine with the Creative Writing, Story & Scriptwriting, General Problem Solving, Name Development and Speech and Presentation modules, the new eXpert Comedy Writer's program is becoming a boon to comics and presenters who need a smile in their entrance and exit. More

IdeaFlow: Who Will Be The 'Innovation President'?

[4 October 2004 - Corante] How you call this one depends a lot on what you think innovation is, and what you think nurtures it, nationally and globally. My take is that whoever will focus not on the jobs already lost to outsourcing, but on education, training and R&D, is probably the better choice, innovation-wise. Which candidate that is depends a lot on whether you believe Kerry's promises and whether you like what Bush has already done in this regard. It's very easy to promise these kinds of things and hard to deliver. Too bad there's not going to be a debate focused on innovation! More

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

When Small Ideas Add Up to Something Big

[15 September 2004 - HBS Strategy & Innovation] Managers in hot pursuit of innovative ideas -- ideas that have the potential to jump-start growth and increase profits -- often assume that bigger is always better. Not so, Alan G. Robinson and Dean M. Schroeder argue in Ideas Are Free: How the Idea Revolution Is Liberating People and Transforming Organizations. In the authors' view, a single-minded focus on blockbuster insights blinds managers to the numerous contributions small ideas can afford. Robinson and Schroeder note that by ignoring or discounting small ideas, managers may be shutting the door to an assortment of benefits, such as improved in-house and external processes, increased competitive advantage, a variety of cost-saving devices, and the possibility of building on small ideas to foster larger ones. Learn how heeding minor suggestions could help you foster growth and gain a competitive edge. More

Friday, October 08, 2004

Want Better Results? Boost Your Problem-Solving Power

[October 2004 - Harvard Management Update] As more and more firms begin to recognize that problem-solving skills form the invisible structure that undergirds high performance, they also realize that there's no such thing as a quick fix-no intensive program that can give organizations rock-hard problem-solving muscles in six weeks. Improvement occurs one manager at a time. Today, firms across a broad range of industries are seeking to supply their managers with the tools and training to excel in problem solving. In doing so, they aim to embed problem-solving proficiency in the organizational fabric so that it becomes a competitive differentiator. Read about the three things organizations must do well if they wish to succeed in this endeavor. More

Thursday, October 07, 2004

New Center for Creative Arts up and running

[25 September 2004 - The Japan Times Online] "We want the center to be vital to Tokyo's health and well-being as well as to provide innovative bilingual art and music education for all ages from 2 to 100. Many people think the arts are just time-filling hobbies, but they teach you about life, to look at things from all angles and dimensions. We know Japanese people are especially keen to explore new avenues of learning to inspire individuality and creative expression. Well, here we are." More

Book chronicles evolution and success of world renowned school development program

[5 October 2004 - Yale University] An education without a focus on test scores that promotes development of the whole child -- psychologically, socially and environmentally -- will prepare children for successful adult lives, James P. Comer, M.D., contends in his eighth book "Leave No Child Behind: Preparing Today's Youth for Tomorrow's World." "A focus on higher test scores alone cannot produce the outcomes we want and need for our children or our nation," Comer, the Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center and associate dean at the Yale School of Medicine, writes in the new book. "But good child and youth rearing and development can do so, and can simultaneously produce good test scores." These principles are the basis of Comer's School Development Program (SDP), founded in 1968 in two underachieving public schools in New Haven. Thirty-five years later, the SDP has evolved into what many call the "Godfather" of school reform. SDP is based on the premise that all youngsters -- regardless of race, geography or cultural and economic background -- can learn at high levels. The programs and services that fall under the SDP umbrella help schools ensure that students achieve their highest academic potential. Throughout his book, Comer cites incidents, projects, programs and research that demonstrate support for good development can prevent the high social, emotional and financial costs of problem behaviors, even among students from very difficult circumstances. "We must do a better job of rearing all our children well in our formative institutions, in preparing them to meet adult responsibilities in this complex age," Comer writes. "Neither the farm nor the factory is available to save them as in past eras. Down the road we will pay the ultimate price -- loss of our open and democratic society -- unless we pay now to better prepare families, schools and other resources." In the book, Comer said America is a better democracy and superpower in large part because of polices and practices that enabled many people to benefit from access to economic and educational conditions that made personal, family and community well being possible. "Great civilizations begin to decline when they stop doing what got them there," he said.

School development program celebrates 35th anniversary with symposium October 11-12

[5 October 2004 - Yale University] Linking brain research and child development is the theme of the Comer School Development Program (SDP) 35th anniversary celebration banquet and symposium October 11 at 4 p.m. and October 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale, 155 Temple St. Keynote speakers include Arthur Levine, president of Columbia Teachers College, Kenneth Kosik, professor of neurology and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, and Mariale Hardiman, educator and author of "Connecting Brain Research with Effective Teaching." The School Development Program was founded in two underachieving New Haven public schools in 1968 by James P. Comer, M.D., the Maurice Falk Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center and associate dean at the Yale School of Medicine. Thirty-five years later, the SDP has evolved into what many call the "Godfather" of school reform. SDP is based on the premise that all youngsters--regardless of race, geography or cultural and economic background--can learn at high levels. The programs and services that fall under the SDP umbrella help schools ensure that students achieve their highest academic potential. The symposium/celebration focuses on the implications of brain research for child development, schooling and teacher preparation. The symposium will also address the question of how students are prepared to protect and promote democratic institutions. "These are fundamental issues for high academic achievement and responsible student behavior that are being neglected in our national rush to raise test scores," said Comer. "This an unparalleled opportunity for educational practitioners, researchers and policy makers to explore what it will take to prepare students for success in school and in life," Comer added. After an awards dinner on the first evening, the keynote discussion will address the challenges facing the national teacher preparation system, especially the readiness of the system to integrate and transmit knowledge gained from brain and development studies to the present and future education work force. Three presentations on the second day will address aspects of what is now known about brain and mind functioning and how this knowledge can be used in school organization, management, and classroom teaching and assessment. The presentations will also explore brain function and its link with six developmental pathways: physical, social-emotional, psychological, ethical, linguistic and cognitive intellectual.

The Great Creative Class Debate: Revenge of the Squelchers

[Issue 5 - THE NEXT AMERICAN CITY] Along the Amtrak ride north of Baltimore, a 875,000 square foot Rite Aid distribution warehouse has sprouted from cornfields. Some might point to this as a sign of healthy market growth. But considering that $7.1 million in taxpayer money went to help build the warehouse -- and hundreds of millions more may come in the future in the form of new roads and subsidies to transport workers from distant Baltimore neighborhoods -- it sounds a lot more like state-sponsored socialism than the free market. Many of Richard Florida's critics try to marginalize his theory of the creative class as being just about a few kooky artists in Austin. They are wrong. Florida promotes a vision of economic development that returns government to its core functions-building the civic infrastructure necessary to attract and retain people and businesses. As governments take a serious look at his ideas, billions of dollars spent on subsidies of politically-connected industries hang in the balance. Readers of TNAC know that Florida's ideas have encountered serious criticism in these pages, too. But our writers engage in the debate with an understanding that the issues that Florida raises matter. Where those billions go make a big difference for the future of cities. This issue kicks off a three-issue series on "The Great Creative Class Debate." Here, we present a response by Richard Florida to his critics. In coming issues, we will feature Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Martin O'Malley discussing the role of arts institutions in cities and take a look at how cities throughout the country are reacting to the Creative Class Debate. More

Monday, October 04, 2004

Report urges that Vermont embrace production of ideas over things

[4 October 2004 - WCAX-TV 3 News] A new economic report recommends that Vermont move toward a "creative economy." That involves embracing the production of ideas over the manufacture of things. More

Stability Verses Creativity

[4 October 2004 -] Bipolar disorder and creativity very much go hand-in-hand. Review any list of successful artists - be it poets, musicians, painters, writers, etc. – you will find countless examples of the juxtaposition of creative minds and bipolar disorder. Consider some of the greats – Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Francis Ford Coppola … Even our own community right here has many wonderful examples (see our About Bipolar Disorder Art Gallery). Unfortunately, many individuals feel that their creativity is lessened or even negated by medications and stability. However, this is not necessarily true. PaulaHOST, a long-time member and volunteer on this site, disagrees wholeheartedly with this view. She writes More

Mind Maps May Chart the Way

[4 October 2004 - The Malaysia Star] “Since a decade ago, the increasing focus on the works of the mind had resulted in an emphasis of 20% for physical training and 80% for conditioning the mind when preparing athletes for world events," says Tony Buzan. More

The Challenges of Paradigmatic Change

[4 October 2004 - HBS Working Knowledge] Paradigmatic change is very important in business. It has the potential to create major new value and to renew a company, but it is very difficult to accomplish in the absence of a business crisis. Managing paradigmatic change is fundamentally different from managing incremental improvements to the existing business. ... How then can a manager create paradigmatic change before crisis? Kuhn's observations, coupled with the experience of many businesses, suggest three key points of leverage. More

Xerox brings 'Innovate 2004' show to Dubai

[4 October 2004 - AME Info] Revolving around the theme of 'Innovation changes everything, both in Xerox and in the Olympics (Xerox was the an Official World-wide sponsor of the Athens Olympic Games), the event will show that medals are not just a reward for athletic achievement, but also a tribute to creative problem solving and the power of innovation. More

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

America's Looming Creativity Crisis

[October 2004 - Harvard Business Review - By Richard Florida] The strength of the American economy does not rest on its manufacturing prowess, its natural resources, or the size of its market. It turns on one factor--the country's openness to new ideas, which has allowed it to attract the brightest minds from around the world and harness their creative energies. But the United States is on the verge of losing that competitive edge. As the nation tightens its borders to students and scientists and subjects federal research funding to ideological and religious litmus tests, many other countries are stepping in to lure that creative capital away. Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, and others are spending more on research and development and shoring up their universities in an effort to attract the world's best--including Americans. If even a few of these nations draw away just a small percentage of the creative workers from the United States, the effect on its economy will be enormous. In this article, the author introduces a quantitative measure of the migration of creative capital called the Global Creative-Class Index. It shows that, far from leading the world, the United States doesn't even rank in the Top 10 in the percentage of its workforce engaged in creative occupations. What's more, the baby boomers will soon retire. And data showing large drops in foreign-student applications to U.S. universities and in the number of visas issued to knowledge workers, along with concomitant increases in immigration in other countries, suggest that the erosion of talent from the United States will only intensify. To defend the U.S. economy, the business community must take the lead in ensuring that global talent can move efficiently across borders, that education and research are funded at radically higher levels, and that we tap into the creative potential of more and more workers. Because wherever creativity goes, economic growth is sure to follow. More

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

In New England, a city revival built on creativity

[28 September 2004 - Christian Science Monitor] "Cities are embracing arts and artists [because they see] a creative environment as a cutting edge in the 21st century," says Ann Galligan, a professor in the Department of Cooperative Education at Northeastern University in Boston. She says cities can no longer depend on a single factory or company for municipal success. "A city has to rethink how it attracts and maintains workers ... without alienating its traditional [working-class] base." From Portland to Pawtucket, R.I., cities have embraced this model. More

Monday, September 20, 2004

How to free your creativity

[20 September 2004 - The Hindu Business Line] "IDEAS are like rabbits. You get a couple, learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen," said John Steinbeck. Most of us have the ability to come up with ideas and problem-solve fairly easily, but may not know how to go about it. Using certain techniques, you can learn to `free your creativity', making the whole process of generating ideas become quicker and a lot less painful. More

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Artists and creativity in the globalisation process

[15 September 2004 - RADIO THE VOICE OF VIETNAM] Respecting cultural values means we solidify the aspects of its creativity and enjoyment. It does not run counter to the freedom to develop their creativity in artists, neither does it diminish the people’s desire for more cultural entertainment. More

The Highest Goal

[15 September 2004 - Stanford Knowledgebase - PDF file] The latest book by Professor Michael Ray discusses goals that give meaning to life, motivate and sustain us. It has nothing to do with success, he says. More

Friday, September 03, 2004

Sacks Lectures on Human Creativity

[3 September 2004 - The Cornell Daily Sun] Renowned neurologist and A.D. White Professor at Large Oliver Sacks attracted students, faculty and residents to Statler Auditorium last night for a lecture entitled "Creativity and the Brain." After a brief introduction by Prof. Roald Hoffman, chemistry and chemical biology, Sacks stepped up to the podium. He described himself briefly before embarking on a multidisciplinary commentary on perception and creativity as it involves living creatures. More

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

ADVOCACY FOR CREATIVITY - Creativity by Choice, Not by Chance: Developing Imagination In the Intelligence Community

[9 August 2004 - Creative Education Foundation] This piece responds to the 9/11 Commission Report that declared it is “crucial to find a way of routinizing, even bureaucratizing, the exercise of imagination” and the House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence hearings that followed in August to discuss the intelligence community’s “failure of imagination” and the “requirement for imagination and creativity” going forward. More

Opting for Optimism

[September 2004 - Darwin Magazine] Optimism is a gift that many leaders possess. Optimism is often intertwined with hope, and rightly so, but there is a difference. Hope is the process of becoming, of seeing and striving for positive outcomes. Optimism is the emotional component that brightens the prospects, and makes it possible for hope to flourish. More

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Perplexing Problem? Borrow Some Brains

[16 August 2004 - HBS Working Knowledge] You’re smart ­but not that smart! Teams often defer to their best decision maker, but more is better than less when it comes to brain power. More

Natural born learners

[2004 - Learning Lab (Denmark)] For years, psychologists have attempted to describe all learning as a function of external reward and punishment. But their models fail to properly take into account play, which clearly is a natural way for humans and animals to obtain vital learning. GOOD LEARNING MUST, IN THE NATURE OF THINGS, STEM FROM INTERNAL MOTIVATION, AS MOTIVATION IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL MAKE YOU VOLUNTARILY SPEND A LONG TIME MASTERING A GIVEN ACTIVITY. IT IS VITAL TO SUPPORT CHILDREN IN LEARNING TO CONTROL THIS INTERNAL MOTIVATION. More

U.S. lacked imagination in predicting terror attacks

[15 August 2004 - Post-Gazette] WASHINGTON -- It may be one of the most unusual job descriptions ever devised: "Wanted: people with creative minds to sit in a U.S. government office, day after day, and use their imaginations to help keep the nation safe.'' Yet that's one of the main anti-terrorism proposals recently outlined by the bipartisan 9/11 Commission. As they investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed more than 2,900 people, the commissioners became convinced that "the most important failure was one of imagination." More

The Best Ideas in Business -- Revealed!

[23 August 2004 - Resilience Report - Booz Allen Hamilton] More than 8,000 people visited the strategy+business/Booz Allen Hamilton Leading Innovations Web site to vote on the best of a dozen fresh ideas for organization, innovation, branding, transformation, and more. Rating the 12 candidates in three areas -- originality, value, and impact -- voters picked "Org DNA: Building the Four Bases of an Execution Culture" as the top entry of the six winners. More

Monday, August 23, 2004

What Toyota can teach the 9/11 commission about intelligence gathering

[5 August 2004 - Slate] The most publicized recommendation of the 9/11 commission—and one President Bush and Sen. John Kerry have raced to endorse—is that the United States create a national director of intelligence. Centralizing is an understandable response to the pre-9/11 intelligence fiasco. But as organizational science and history show, it's also a misguided one. When organizations fail, our first reaction is typically to fall into "control mode": One person, or at most a small, coherent group of people, should decide what the current goals of the organization are, and everyone else should then efficiently and effectively execute those goals. Intuitively, control mode sounds like nothing so much as common sense. It fits perfectly with our deeply rooted notions of cause and effect ("I order, you deliver"), so it feels good philosophically. It also satisfies our desire to have someone made accountable for everything that happens, so it feels good morally as well. But when a failure is one of imagination, creativity, or coordination—all major shortcomings of the various intelligence branches in recent years—introducing additional control, whether by tightening protocols or adding new layers of oversight, can serve only to make the problem worse. More

Good attitude adds years

[20 August 2004 - Detroit Free Press] ... A study at Miami University by Dr. Suzanne Kunkel of the Scripps Gerontology Center suggests that the most important factor could be our attitude toward aging. The major finding: A positive attitude about aging can extend life by 7 1/2 years. That's longer than gains made by exercising and not smoking. It's doctor's orders: Don't worry, be happy. More

Holding ground means losing ground when it comes to policing

[23 August 2004 - Business Day (South Africa)] High-density crackdown operations might make the news but they could be getting in the way of the improvement of local crime-prevention services. On a sweltering summer afternoon in early 1999, Meyer Kahn, about to complete a thankless two-year stint as police CEO, paced about his office, shaking his head and lamenting his lot. "How do you repair a machine and keep it running at the same time?" he asked. ... At the end of last year, police headquarters issued a directive that police stations across the country should begin to implement "sector policing", which entails dividing police station jurisdictions into geographical sectors, each staffed by a dedicated team. The idea is that grassroots cops will begin to understand microlevel crime patterns and tackle them with creative problem-solving techniques; this will draw police into constant communication with their constituents and help them understand the public as clients and themselves as service providers. The aim is to improve neighbourhood policing, which the police have been struggling to accomplish for the past decade. Will it work? Many doubt it. More

Teamwork, creative problem solving are keys to career success

[23 August 2004 - Design News] Great minds think alike, or at least great engineering minds do. Asked what advice they'd offer to engineers just entering the profession, two Design News award winners stressed the importance of interdisciplinary work. "There are still some 'spec book' engineering schools, but most engineering programs today are focused on creative problem solving and interdisciplinary research," says Design News' 2004 Special Achievement Award winner Tony DiGioia. ... "The most important skills you can learn in an undergraduate engineering program are creative problem solving, and the discipline of lifelong learning," DiGioia adds. Those two will allow you to go into any area, whether medicine - like I did - or business or engineering." More

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Imagination Takes Kids' Mind Off Pain

[12 August 2004 - Reuters] Guided imagery, along with medication, can reduce post-operative pain and anxiety in children, new study findings suggest. "The need for interventions that reduce children's acute pain on a short-term basis is growing," Dr. Myra Martz Huth, at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio, and colleagues point out in their report, published in the medical journal Pain. Hospitals stays being shortened, and dealing with kids' pain at home is difficult. Their study was designed to test the effectiveness of a professionally developed program, "To Tame the Hurting Thing," comprised of booklets, videotapes and audiotapes. More

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Jobs linked to Alzheimer's risk

[10 August 2004 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] People who developed Alzheimer's disease tended to hold jobs with lower mental demands during their 30s, 40s and 50s than people who did not get the disease, according to new research. The study is the latest in a growing body of research suggesting that higher levels of education as well as mentally stimulating activities may offer some protection against a disorder that now affects 4.5 million Americans, a number that is expected to grow dramatically in the coming decades. ... "Not everybody can be an astrophysicist," said lead author Kathleen Smyth, a researcher at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. "(But) you want to keep your mind active. Some people call it novelty seeking . . . things that get you thinking in a different way." More

Monday, August 09, 2004

Innovation: A Diagnostic for Disruptive Innovation

[9 August 2004 - HBS Working Knowledge] You have three potential innovations, but resources to develop just one. Here are diagnostics to help you make the best decision. More

Diverse, Not Divided

[9 August 2004 - BusinessWeek] The workplace has become America's melting pot, and the resulting exposure to difference and the tolerance is a powerful economic force. ... Economists have documented how creativity has become increasingly important in our economy, especially with the spread of manufacturing techniques and service occupations to the developing world. The market value of creative people in everything from high-tech computer science to machine-tool assembly to devising financial plans for an aging baby boomer has gone up in recent decades. More and more companies are eager to employ well-educated, inventive workers. In The Rise of the Creative Class, Carnegie Mellon economist Professor Richard Florida makes a convincing case that creative occupations are growing and to successfully compete, companies and regions need to embrace diversity -- immigrants, gays, bohemians, and other minorities. The social philosopher Jane Jacobs observed that great cities thrived because they were places that welcomed ambitious, bright people from all walks of life and backgrounds and allowed them to turn their energy and insights into new products and services. Similarly, social scientists from a number of disciplines have documented that creative people prefer working in an environment that celebrates difference and risk-taking. A diverse workforce increases the odds of employees coming up with innovative ideas that are commercially profitable. The payoff: better jobs and sustained economic growth. More

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Programmers Devise New Ways to Make the Pieces Work Together

[8 August 2004 - New York Times] It's software time again. Four months ago, I wrote in this space about the growing variety of programs that in one way or another could be considered tools for thinking. Some of them enhanced the part of thought that involves factual recall by making it easier to retrieve information from the recesses of your computer's hard drive. Others allowed you to put existing information together in ways that might stimulate new perceptions and ideas. More

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Talent, technology, tolerance drive creativity and growth

[6 August 2004 - National Business Review (New Zealand)] The Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a hotbed of creativity and innovation. Barry Vercoe, a founding member and speaking on National Radio this week, is convinced that what he describes as 'the clash between disciplines' results in innovation. More


CURIOUS MINDS: HOW A CHILD BECOMES A SCIENTIST (Edited, with an introduction, by John Brockman; Pantheon, August 2004; available at Amazon)
[5 August 2004 - EDGE 144] A fascinating original collection of essays from twenty-seven of theworld's most interesting scientists about the moments and events in theirchildhoods that set them on the paths that would define their lives.What makes a child decide to become a scientist?.....

  • For Robert Sapolsky-Stanford professor of biology - it was an argumentwith a rabbi over a passage in the Bible.
  • Physicist Lee Smolin traces his inspiration to the volume of Einstein'swork he picked up as a diversion from heartbreak.
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist and the author of Flow, foundhis calling through Descartes.
  • Mary Catherine Bateson - author of Composing a Life - discovered thatshe wanted to be an anthropologist while studying Hebrew.
  • Janna Levin-author of How the Universe Got Its Spots -f elt impelled bythe work of Carl Sagan to know more.

Murray Gell-Mann, Nicholas Humphrey, Freeman Dyson, Daniel C. Dennett,Lynn Margulis, V. S. Ramachandran, Howard Gardner, Richard Dawkins, andmore than a dozen others tell their own entertaining and often inspiringstories of the deciding moment. Illuminating memoir meets superb sciencewriting in essays that invite us to consider what it is-and isn't-thatsets the scientific mind apart and into action.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By (Book)

[2 August 2004 - HBS Working Knowledge: Organizations] If you think financial capital is all you need for happiness, think again. According to Danah Zohar, a physicist, philosopher, and management thinker, and Ian Marshall, a Jungian-oriented psychiatrist, capitalist culture and the global business that extends from it are not sustainable. Zohar and Marshall call for leaders to use their “spiritual intelligence” to create spiritual capital. They define spiritual intelligence as the core sense of meaning, values, and purpose by which we live, and they recommend this intelligence be used to build wealth—thus generating spiritual capital. More

Making Tea: Iterative Design through Analogy

[2004 - University of Southampton - ECS] The success of translating an analog or manual practice into a digital interactive system may depend on how well that translation captures not only the functional what and how aspects of the practice, but the why of the process as well. Addressing these attributes is particularly challenging when there is a gap in expertise between the design team and the domain to be modeled. In this paper, we describe Making Tea, a design method foregrounding the use of analogy to bridge the gap between design team knowledge and domain expertise. Making Tea complements more traditional user-centered design approaches such as ethnography and task analysis. In this paper, we situate our work with respect to other related design methods such as Cultural Probes and Artifact Walkthroughs. We describe the process by which we develop, validate and use analogy in order to maximize expert contact time in observation, interviews, design reviews and evaluation. We contextualize the method in a discussion of its use in a project we ran to replace a paper-based analytical chemistry lab book with an interactive system for use in a pervasive lab environment. More

Schools failing on imaginations

[1 August 2004 - Sun-Sentinel] Considering the fact that the 9-11 commission has determined that the tragedies of 9-11 were caused by 'above all, a failure of imagination,' and considering that participation in high quality arts programs -- including educational ones -- is probably the best way to develop imagination, what image could be more powerful to bring this message home than a picture of the destroyed World Trade Center with the 9-11 commission's assessment: 'Above all, a failure of imagination'? More

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Mind games: Play them now, build brain power for later

[3 August 2004 - Miami Herald] OK, we're getting our bodies in shape. Now, it's time to do a boot camp for your brain. A growing body of research has concluded that by keeping your mind active, you may stave off the memory loss and diminished brain functions associated with aging. Physical exercise and a healthy diet can boost the brain, too. ''If you start in your 30s or 40s, you have four or five decades to control these factors that come into operation that can have a very dramatic effect,'' says Dr. Ranjan Duara, medical director of the Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. More

Creativity, problem-solving skills vital for architects

[3 August 2004 - Kansas City Star] About 50 years ago, they kept construction crews busy building schoolhouses. Now, they're doing it again. Baby boomers are making their needs felt in the construction industry. But today, the building boom involves senior housing and health care facilities. That's good news for architects. Architects are artists who design buildings. Their structures must do more than please the eye, however. A building must be safe, functional, affordable and serve a purpose — whether the occupants are senior citizens in retirement apartments, patients in a hospital, shoppers in a retail store, dogs and cats in an animal shelter, families in houses, spectators in a stadium or prisoners in a correctional facility. “Architects solve problems through the design or renovation of a structure,” said Mark Spurgeon, president of Williams Spurgeon Kuhl & Freshnock Architects Inc. in North Kansas City. The firm specializes in retail, health care, hospitality, senior living and education designs. More

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Sylvan and soulful

[30 July 2004 - The Hindu Business Line] The Krishnamurti Centre, at Brockwood Park in Hampshire, is a shared home away from home — across gender, cultures and continents. -- Nothing in my experience had prepared me for meeting a Hindu Inspector of Police in London — no, I don't mean a turbaned Sikh or an Indian but a white Anglo Saxon Hindu. He went on to teach me a thing, or two, about spirituality, which were reinforced by my three-day stay in the Shangri La in the south of England that is the Krishnamurti Centre at Brockwood Park. During the self-introductions session in the three-day workshop on creative problem solving, which was the main excuse for my visiting the UK this summer, one of the participants identified himself as a Detective Inspector of the Military Police, and added most casually and without any outward sign of embarrassment, "and I am almost a Hindu". This was from a man who had the measured and cultivated tones you would expect from an Inspector Morse saying "and anything you say may be taken down and used as evidence against you in court". More

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Vital Visionaries Program: ‘Serious Fun’ that Improves Medical Students Attitudes towards Older People

[27 July 2004 - National Institutes of Health] Creating art with older 'teammates' made first-year medical students more sensitive to older people, according to results of the Vital Visionaries Collaboration (VV), a pilot program developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) in Baltimore, MD. More

Monday, July 26, 2004

Innovation: Time Pressure and Creativity: Why Time is Not on Your Side

[29 July 2002 - HBS Working Knowledge] Even as time pressures increase in corporate life, the need for creative thinking has never been greater, says Harvard Business School professor Teresa Amabile. More

Friday, July 23, 2004

Teach Children Creativity With a Smile: Kalam

[23 July 2004 - New Kerala] President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Friday called on parents and teachers to teach children creativity with a smile to shape them as responsible citizens. Opening a national conference on 'Enhancing Learning in Elementary Schools', Kalam said it was the responsibility of parents and elementary or primary schoolteachers to ensure children did not lose their smiles and innocence when they entered the higher education system. ... 'Towards this end, I will be working with state governments, social organisations and the human resource development ministry to decrease the load of books and to increase creativity of the students,' Kalam said. ... Stressing the importance of elementary and primary education in making India a developed country by 2020, he said on an average, children spend about 25,000 hours in schooling, the most important part of their life and the only phase where they were in an environment that could foster creativity with joy. 'We have to ensure continuity of education while kindling creativity in the children as they are the future of our society, state and the country,' Kalam noted. More

Lawyers Who Heal?

[21 July 2004 - The Christian Science Monitor] Maurine Holland's transformation has led her to join a small but growing group of lawyers, judges, and educators who practice law holistically - working to empower and heal themselves and their clients and to spread civility and good will. In the world of holistic law, the minds and bodies of the clients are as important as their pocketbooks; losing sometimes means winning in the long run; and words like blame, right, and wrong have no home. ... While each holistic lawyer works in a different way, they draw common inspiration from Eastern traditions, New Age writers, and native American spirituality. Much like holistic doctors who seek to treat the whole patient instead of the symptoms, explains Holland, holistic lawyers think of their clients as complex people in need of counseling, not entities with narrow legal problems. More

Handouts and Resources About Creativity

Handouts are available from two recent conferences:
* The Creative Education Founation's 50th Annual Creative Problem Solving Institute 2004

* HOW Design Conference

Monday, May 03, 2004

A Clear Eye for Innovation (HBS Working Knowledge)

How did a weakening contact-lens company set its sights on a series of breakthroughs? A Harvard Business Review excerpt by Charles A. OReilly III and HBS professor Michael L. Tushman. More

Barry Diller is Tough on Creative Conflict (HBS Working Knowledge)

[By Martha Lagace - 26 April 2004] Barry Diller, the media powerhouse and storied entrepreneur, discussed the pleasures of risk-taking and the necessity of conflict at Harvard Business School. More

Friday, April 09, 2004

Changing Directions at BP - CHANGE MANAGEMENT (Darwin Magazine)

[By Howard Gardner - March 2004 - Excerpted from Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People's Minds ] The British oil giant had to face the fierce reality of a big change in direction—or die. BP did the former, but not without having to change the minds of its staff. More

At CPSI 2004, participate in ... Grow or Die author George Land's Birthday Spotlight Presentation on "The Heart of Creativity"

Getting from Oranges to Apples - Q&A | Howard Gardner (CIO Magazine)

[April 2004] Howard Gardner says it is possible to get others to see things differently. But as the Harvard professor tells CIO Senior Editor Edward Prewitt, it takes perseverance and finesse. More

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Pre-Institute Workshop on "The Inventivity Factor: Learn to Think Like a Toy Inventor"

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Creativity By Choice, Not By Chance: A Mindset for Surviving the Ageing Workplace (Knowledge Management News, UK)

[By Steven Dahlberg - April 2004] If we learn to live with a creative worldview – where we suspend judgment, think divergently, seek many alternatives, become aware of this moment, and connect beyond ourselves – we can radically transform the way we choose to engage in life and meaningfully create joy-filled vocations and careers. More

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Immersion in Applied Creativity - Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life: Developing a Plan for Purpose Through Creativity

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Practical Creativity: When Innovation Is Essential (CCL's Leading Effectively e-Newsletter)

[March 2004 - Center for Creative Leadership' Monday Morning Tools: Practical Creativity] Most of us think creativity and practicality are at odds with one another ?4 especially in the workplace. But now is the time to change your view and learn about targeted innovation. Today's organizations, large and small, are under extreme financial and competitive pressures. But rather than pursuing novel, innovative approaches to their challenges, they often default to making minor changes or "safe" decisions. "Targeted innovation is one way to break out of typical decision-making routines and develop practical, yet creative, ideas and solutions," according to CCL's Stan Gryskiewicz, who has spent his career developing practical approaches to creativity in organizations. More

At CPSI 2004, participate in ... Daily Extending sessions

Monday, March 15, 2004

Creativity And Innovation Tranforming New Zealand (Scoop Media)

[New Zealand Government - 15 March 2004] Media release from:
Hon Jim Anderton Minister for Economic, Regional and Industry Development Progressive Leader -- Economic development, using creativity and innovation is transforming New Zealand into a high wage, high skill economy said Jim Anderton today in a speech to the EDANZ (Economic Development Association of New Zealand) conference in Wellington. More

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Immersion in Applied Creativity - Waking the Sleeping Giant: Tapping the “Creative Many” to Drive Change and Develop Communities

The Art of Creativity: Riding the White Moment (Psychology Today)

[D. Goleman and P. Kaufmann - March 1992] Offers a look at creativity and how it can be encouraged. Riding the white moment; The ability to see things in a new way; Inside creativity; Creativity in children; Creativity killers; Creativity at work. Plus ... Be aware (ideas for deepening your creative capacity). More 

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Foundation: Springboard to Creative Problem Solving Program

The New Elderhood (Training magazine)

[By Steven Dahlberg - February 2004] Retirement is so often defined negatively and individualistically, as the end of a career and the cessation of work. However, retirement, like most transitions, can also be a creative time—a period of renewal and rejuvenation. ... Many changes in the corporate world have impacted the quality of life of people who are nearing retirement age. When those 50-plus began their careers, they often expected to work for one organization for 40 years, then retire (and stop working) at a set age and receive a pension. But the rules have changed and these workers are facing very different work and post-work lives. More

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Immersion in Applied Creativity - Meaningful Work, Meaningful Life: Developing a Plan for Purpose Through Creativity

Innovation's New Performance Standard (Booz Allen Hamilton)

[By David Neely and Kevin Dehoff - 15 March 2004] A 50-company survey conducted by Booz Allen Hamilton shows that senior executives across a variety of industries -- including aerospace, automotive products, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications -- want their innovation programs to deliver 20 to 30 percent improvements in product cost, quality, and time-to-market within the next two years. But there is a vast disconnect between hope and reality: By a two-to-one margin, executives said they are only minimally satisfied that their current innovation organizations are delivering their full potential. The survey also suggested that four factors make or break innovation programs. More

At CPSI 2004, consider participating in ... Immersion in Applied Creativity - Leading Organizational Innovation: The "People" Part of the Innovation Equation